Actually, I don't know what I'm doing for now. But I like to do this thing. Welcome to my personal web guys. Hopefully it is usefull for you.
Hello, I'm Afif Alfiano, a web developer based in Indonesia. I have experience in web design using figma, adobe xd and build from scratch.
This is my blog or tutorial about technology that you can learn from this and enjoy my posts.
6 minute read
How to run Cypress in Angular with Github Action
Post on 3/12/2021 by Afif Alfiano
Hi, In this case, we will learn about how to add cypress for e2e testing in angular and run in GitHub action every push on Github. When GitHub action runs in the project.
4 minute read
List dan Key pada React Javascript
Post on 13/11/2021 by Afif Alfiano
Selamat datang kembali teman-teman, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan mempelajari list pada react javascript. Nah seperti teman-teman ketahui bahwa list bukan...
5 minute read
useEffect pada React Javascript
Post on 9/11/2021 by Afif Alfiano
Halo teman-teman, kembali lagi nih di blog pribadi saya dimana pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan mempelajari tentang use effect pada react javascript.